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12.18.07 REVISION 1.02
Section 5
• Maintenance Instructions
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
5.1 General
5.2 Scope
This section contains instructions for maintaining BT400-46. If performed on a regular basis, will insure
proper operation and extend the life of the heater.
5.4 Cleaning
access to the heater components for cleaning, proceed as follows:
! Warning !
Compressed air used for cleaning will not exceed 30 psi and then only with approved
personnel protective equipment such as safety goggles of face shield.
(b) Brush dirt and dust from the components with a soft bristle brush. Blow dirt and dust away
using dry compressed air.
(c) Remove corrosion from battery posts and cable clamps using a battery brush. Clean battery
with a weak solution of baking soda and warm water. Rinse with clean water. Clean battery
tray in the same manner.
(d) With hood and access doors closed tightly, wash heater using a scrub brush to apply a solution
of car wash detergent, or equal, in warm water. Remove the detergent solution with water
dispensed from a garden hose. Avoid spraying water directly into the air flow outlet.
5.6 Flexible Ducts
Wash ducts with soap or detergent and water. Dry with a soft cloth. Ensure ducts are thoroughly dry before
putting duct away.
5.8 Lubricating
Points of lubrication, type of lubrication, application and time interval are listed in
table 5-1.
5.10 Inspection and Preventive Maintenance
Preventive maintenance checks, services, and inspections are listed in table 5.2. Checks, services and
inspections should be accomplished at time intervals listed in the operational time column.
! Warning !
Never attempt disassembly until heater has been allowed to cool
and the battery has been disconnected