Adaptive Growth Intelligence
(Light and Pump Cycles for Cherry Tomato)
The AeroGarden PRO
automatically adjusts the amount of light and
ater your plants receive based on plant growth
to provide optimal growing conditions for every
stage of your plants’ life. The green lights
on the
Control Panel
track garden growth
from germination through mature growth.
The light and pump cycle on the “Tomatoes/
Peppers” setting on the AeroGarden PRO
differs from what is described in other portions of this Tending &
Harvesting Guide, which describes the original AeroGarden. The
following information will help you take full advantage of the
AeroGarden PRO
Light Cycle
On the “Tomatoes/Peppers” setting, the AeroGarden PRO
cally turns the lights on for 18 hours and off for 6 hours during “Germi-
nation” and “Initial Growth” phases. When the plants are mature, less
light is needed and the light cycle changes to 16 hours on and 8 hours
off. Your lights will continue to turn off at the same time of day when
the light cycle changes, but the time of day the lights turn on will shift.
For example, if your lights are programmed to turn off at 11:00 at night,
they will remain off for 6 hours during “Germination” and “Initial
Growth” and automatically turn back on at 5:00 the next morning. The
lights will stay on for 18 hours and then automatically turn off at 11:00
at night. When your garden is in the “Mature Growth” phase, the lights
will now turn on at 7:00 in the morning (two hours later). After 16
hours, the lights will automatically turn off at 11:00 at night (the same
time as during earlier growth phases) and remain off for 8 hours and
then turn back on at 7:00 the next morning.