SILA 450 c
Date 01.09.2015.
Revision 00
Page | 51
The engine air induction system receives ram air through an intake in the lower front portion
of the engine cowling. The intake is covered by an air-filter which removes dust and other
foreign matter from the induction air. Airflow passing through the filter enters an airbox.
After passing through the airbox, induction air enters the inlet in the carburetor which is
under the engine, andis then ducted to the engine cylinders through intake manifold tubes.
In the event carburetor ice is encountered or the intake filter becomes blocked, alternate
heated air can be obtained from a shroud around an exhaust riser through a duct to a valve
in the air box operated by the carburetor heat control on the instrument panel. Heated air
from the shroud is obtained from an unfiltered outside source. Use of full carburetor heat at
full throttle will result in a loss of approximately 75 to 150 RPM. Ram air for engine cooling
enters through two intake openings in the front of the engine cowling. The cooling air is
directed around the cylinders and other areas of the engine by baffling, and is then
exhausted through an opening at the bottom aft edge of the cowling. No manual cooling
system control is provided.
A Pilot side
B Pilot and Copilot side
1. Tank
2. Brakes pumps
3. Wheel Brakes
4. Installation
The airplane has a single-disk, hydraulically-actuated brake on each main landing gear wheel.
Each brake is connected, by a hydraulic line, to a master cylinder attached to each of the
pilot’s rudder pedal. The brakes are operated by applying pressure to the top of either the
left or right set of rudder pedals which are interconnected.
The Hydraulic brakes are fully independent with separate controls.
Proper use of the nose wheel keeping heels on the floor, avoids excessive brake overheating.
This cautious attitude should also apply during take-off. Use mineral base brakes oil to refill.