The air handling units of the TDA
series are available in 5 sizes with
nominal air flow rate from 800 to
3500 m
/ h. TDA are designed and
built for applications in heating
systems and air conditioning in
civilian environments.
Are provided in three versions:
1 - Base with battery on 3-row
(version 3);
2 - enhanced with coils to 4-ruw (4);
3 - battery with 2-row direct
expansion (version E): (for technical
details see the table);
4 - extractor, without coil (version X).
This latest version is designed only
for the extraction of air, it doesn't
work as recuperator heater.
It can be installed either horizontally
o r v e r t i c a l l y. T h e h y d r a u l i c
connections and the discharge of
condensate can be done also on the
right side and on the left units.
In the case of the use of water as
heat transfer fluid must be absolutely
avoided the danger of frost.
STRUCTURE: consists of sandwich
panels of hot galvanised steel
(6/10mm thick), alternated with
polyurethane foam (40kg/m³).
The supply and suction panels are
equipped with flanges for connection
to any air channels, and can be
moved to create different air flow
configurations. The horizontal or
vertical fixing to the walls of the unit
is made possible by the appropriate
The condensate drip tray, in
galvanised steel, has a threaded drain
connection on both sides and can be
used whether the unit is installed
horizontally or vertically.
ELECTRIC FAN UNIT: new types of
centrifugal fans are envisaged, with
a high level of prevalence and double
suction with blades forward, with the
motor directly coupled. The single
phase 230V / 50Hz motor is multi-
speed, with the possibility to select
three speeds via the control panel
HEAT EXCHANGE COIL: copper piping
with aluminium finnings, blocked by
means of the mechanical expansion
of the pipes.
The threaded pipe couplings are
supplied together with the unit, for
the hydraulic connections and the air
drain valve- A version with a direct
expansion 2-row coil is also available,
with copper piping and aluminium
finning blocked via the mechanical
expansion of the pipes.
Air conditioning unit -
TDA range
Selection, installation, use and maintenance manual
Description of the unit
Description of components