Water coil connection
All water coil manifolds have threaded male
connectors for the entrance and exit of wa-
For correct installation follow the simple in-
dications below:
• anti-freeze devices should be present in the
event of adverse weather conditions;
• the course of the piping must be such so as
not to create obstacles in the event the coil
must be removed and so as not to compromise
inspection and maintenance of the unit and
possible accessories;
• when screwing together the manifolds and
hydraulic circuit, avoid stresses that could da-
mage the coil manifolds;
• provide a stop valve to isolate the coil from
the rest of the circuit in the even it must be
disconnected from the hydraulic circuit;
• fi rmly clamp the pipes outside the unit, to
prevent them weighing on the coil;
• for the connection of water feed pipes, fol-
low the indications on the "WATER INLET" and
"WATER OUTLET" plate on the outside panel-
ling ;
• fi t an air bleed valve on the highest section
of the circuit and a water discharge valve on
the lowest section of the circuit;
• once the connections have been made, po-
sition the external rubber seal fl ush with the
panelling to avoid air seepage.
To avoid burns during the heating
function, the piping must be care-
fully insulated with suitable ma-
terial as far as the panelling.
Connection of the direct ex-
pansion coils
The coils are supplied with connections her-
metically sealed and pressurised with inert
For correct installation follow the simple in-
dications below:
• the course of the piping must be
such so as not to create obstacles if the coil
needs to be removed, and not to compromise
the inspection and maintenance of the unit
and any accessories;
• arrange suitable brackets to support the pi-
ping so as to avoid that their weight overloads
the recovery unit;
• once the connections have been made, po-
sition the external rubber seal fl ush with the
panelling to avoid air seepage;
• the performance of the coil declared in the
present manual could undergo changes in the
event that the connection pipes to a conden-
sing only unit cause excessive pressure drops
of the refrigerant.
To avoid burns, the piping must be suitably
insulated with suitable material up to the pa-
Electrical connections: earth
The electrical connections and wi-
ring must be carried out by quali-
fi ed personnel in accordance with
the present laws.
Each electrical appliance must be
connected to the earth of the sy-
Use the connectors with the earth symbol to
connect the earth of the unit and possible ac-
cessories to the earth of the building.
Mains power supply connection
Make sure that the characteristi-
cs of the mains power supply are
compatible with the electrical
characteristics indicated on the machine's ra-
ting plate.
Electrical connections:electric
Make sure that the characteristi-
cs of the mains power supply are
compatible with the electrical
characteristics indicated on the
part's rating plates.
Carry out the following instructions for the
connection of the electric coil:
• prepare suitable protection upstream, with
a residual current circuit breaker with over-
current protection;
• always connect a safety thermostat to gua-
rantee the disconnection of the electric coil
power supply in the event of overheating;
• the safety thermostat must be in series with
the regulating thermostat (not supplied);
• the power supply of the coil must be slaved
to the function of the fans;
• always connect the earth wire of the elec-
tric heating coil to the terminal inside the
electric box.
The wiring diagrams are supplied along with
the machine.
Electrical connections: electric
The correct connection of the electric motors
is made on the control boards assembled insi-
de the unit (for TDA sizes 9-15-21), or on the
Archimedean screw of one of the two fans (for
TDA units 28-37).
For units with two motors, the power supply
and earth cables are on one control board for
each fan.
Air conditioning unit -
TDA range
Selection, installation, use and maintenance manual