ALL_F2 F2 fuse alarm presence bit
ALL_F3 F3 fuse alarm presence bit
ALL_XX alarm presence bit to be defined
FLAG_VENT active ventilation presence bit
FLAG_FORZ forcing presence bit from BMS system
FLAG_RXON active resistance presence bit
FLAG_FC operating freecooling presence bit
FLAG_AF operating freecooling presence bit
DIP_i status (ON/OFF) of the ith dipswitch
RLi status (ON/OFF) of ith relay
CC freecooling bypass microswitch input status
CE external contact input status
PI JP1 input status
SP presence sensor input status
FV motor fuse status
FR resistance fuse status
FI anti-freeze bypass microswitch input status
ENABLE if 1: ON, 0:OFF
F_SET if 1: enable set forcing with SETPOINT_BMS data, 0: disable temperature set forcing
F_V2 if 1: enable parameter forcing with SET_POW1_BMS data, 0: disable inflow fan speed forcing
F_V1 if 1: enable parameter forcing with SET_POW2_BMS data, 0: disable expulsion fan speed forcing
F_SEA if 1: enable season forcing with SEASON_BMS data, 0: disable season forcing
F_M if 1: enable functioning mode change with MODER_BMS data, 0: disable mode change
F_A if 1: remotely enable ON/OFF via ENABLE bit
Note: each data modification made by BMS is followed by the storage in eeprom of the value.