The range of values allowed for this parameter are: 12.0 - 40.0 °C
5.7.3 SPC Parameter
This parameter represents the room temperature set desired in the rooms during the summer functioning. This data is used in the function that manages the freecooling
bypass door.
The range of values allowed for this parameter are: 8.0 - 33.0 °C.
5.7.4 CT Parameter
This parameter (cleaning time) represents the maximum period of time that the recovery unit must remain in AUTO mode (room cleaning). The recovery unit functioning mode
can be selected manually by the operator (see the Functioning mode paragraph).
The range of values allowed for this parameter are: 1 - 600 minutes
5.7.5 BPF Parameter
This parameter enables the user to select the management mode of the freecooling bypass door.
Freecooling bypass management mode:
— BPF = 0 → Freecooling bypass not active
— BPF = 1 → Bypass with 20 minute period
— BPF = 2 → Bypass with 40 minute period
This parameter is the functioning speed (expressed as percentage value) associated with the expulsion fan when intervening on the CE digital input (fan functioning state
forcing input).
The range of values allowed for this parameter are: 0 ÷ 100%.