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[email protected] | Version # : 2.2
TestPro CV100
User Manual
Select [Save] to view the labels.
To save results using label A-001, select [Save].
A dialog box will confirm that the results are being saved.
d. TestDataPro Cloud
TestDataPro Cloud is a cloud-based service that allows
users to upload results from a jobsite via wired network
connection or wireless connection. Please note the optional
Edimax EW-7822ULC Wi-Fi USB adapter is required for
cloud access via WI-FI. TestDataPro Cloud allows users to
view and download individual .pdf reports.
For the full test report management, which includes,
recertification if incorrect test limits were used; report
customization with logos; & much more, test results should
be imported into the full featured PC-based TestDataPro.
Select [Network Test and Cloud].
Select [Cloud]. Note: [Cloud] is only available when
Ethernet cable or Wi-Fi is connected.
Select [Add Account].
In the [Username] field, key in the email address and
password used during the tdpcloud.com registration
and select [Login].
A dialog box will confirm successful login. Click
anywhere to dismiss then go back to the [Cloud] page.
Choose the Organization to upload the test result (if
applicable). Choose the project to upload in the drop
down menu. Select [Sync Data]. TestPro will start
uploading the project and test results data to the cloud.
A dialog box will confirm once the upload is complete.
Select to go back to the [Cloud] page.
To upload other projects, select from the dropdown list
under [Select Project].
Select the project to upload. The cloud will show the
new project i.e., Cloned Project. Select [Sync Data].
A dialog box will confirm once the sync is complete and
the project has been uploaded to the cloud. Note: For
more information about TestDataPro Cloud, click
9 Test Results Management
Test data stored in the internal storage of the TestPro unit can
be retrieved by connecting a USB flash drive to it. The data can
also be retrieved through a USB cable connection between the
TestPro and a PC running the TestDataPro software. Results can
also be retrieved through TestDataPro Cloud.