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[email protected] | Version # : 2.2
TestPro CV100
User Manual
Select the [Loss] tab to view the loss and margin at
850nm/1300nm for multimode and 1310nm/1550nm
for single-mode.
Select [Network Limits] to view the various limits that
the fiber-under-test can support.
i. Save Autotest Results
Saving a fiber Autotest result is the same as saving a
cable test result. Refer to
2 Cable Certification Test i. Save
j. Visual Fault Locator (VFL)
Visual Fault Locator (VFL) is used to detect fiber cable
bends and breaks, bad splices and a faulty connector. A
powerful, bright, XXXnm wavelength (red) signal will shine
through the fiber’s cladding, indicating where a break or
kink may have occurred.
To access VFL, select [Fiber Certification]. Select
[Tools]. Select [VFL].
Select turn ON icon to turn on VFL. Connect the fiber-
undertest to the VFL port of the TestPro. When the
icon turns green the VFL power is on.
To turn off VFL, the turn OFF icon or exit the VFL
screen. When the icon turns red , the power is off.
k. Light Source & Power Meter
On the main menu, select [Fiber Certification]. Select
[Tools]. Open [Light Source/Power Meter].
Choose the desired light source i.e., 1310nm and the
same for power meter 1310nm.
In the [Power Meter] section, the power readings will
start to show.
Selecting [Back] will turn off the light source/power
meter function.
Note: Like set reference, connect a 2-meter fiber
reference cable from TestPro main unit’s Tx port to
the TestPro remote unit’s Rx port and another similar
cable from the TestPro main unit’s Rx port to the
TestPro remote unit’s Tx port (if performing a dual
ended test) and select [Relative Power] to set the loss
(dB) to 0 before attaching the fiber-under-test.
Note: It is important to perform Loopback Set
Reference before using the light source/power meter.
For loopback configuration, connect a 2-meter fiber
cable from the TestPro main unit’s Tx & Rx port and
connect the other end to the fiber-under-test via fiber
l. Fiber Inspection
Dirty fiber components like fiber cable and connectors
are one of the major problems in fiber optics, causing
high connector loss and reflectance. The fiber inspection
feature of TestPro allows user to check the fiber connectors
for dirt before testing and installation. TestPro has built-in
USB Video Class (UVC) drivers to support any fiber.
On the main menu, select [Fiber Certification]. Select
[Tools]. Select [Fiber Inspection].
TestPro will automatically detect the fiber inspection
probe and display the view of the fiber cable in
TestPro screen. In this example, the dirt can be seen
in the fiber inspection probe.