AMS42/AMS44 Dual Channel Audio Controller
SM19 Installation and Operation Manual
May 29, 2012 Rev: 5.00
Page 1-2
ENG-FORM: 800-0100.DOTX
1.3.1 Transmit
Both controllers provide equal transmit capability between left and right sides and
support the use of a hand microphone. The hand mic is internally configured for left or
right side operation, and is connected directly to the selected radio for use during
emergency or equipment failure situations. During transmit operation, the sidetone of
the transceiver in use remains enabled while all other audio, except DIRECT 2, is
muted. This function is specific to each ‘side’ of the audio controller.
Transceiver interfacing is accomplished through directly switched microphones and
ground referenced keylines. To ensure maximum radio compatibility, no diodes or other
steering components are used.
1.3.2 Receive
Selecting a transceiver with the TX (transmit) rotary selector automatically selects the
associated receive audio. The RX inputs are also selected by the 3-position center
front panel switches, five on each side of the audio controller
– the ‘up’ pos
ition selects
the respective navaid input, and the ‘down’ position selects the
respective COM.
Two Direct Audio inputs are provided and are configurable for left or right side use.
LIVE, KEYED or variable VOX ICS operation can be selected from a single control.
The AMS42 and AMS44 use dynamic noise reduction and voice band filtering to provide
the clearest possible ICS audio in high ambient noise conditions.
Transparent ICS for either the pilot or co-pilot allows immediate transmit operation with
no control panel switching. Return to ICS operation is automatic upon completion of the
TX operation.
Isolation and Emergency modes of operation are provided to remove the pilot(s) from
the intercom bus without interfering with normal passenger ICS.
Both controllers provide an ICS Tie line for multiple controller installations.