AMS42/AMS44 Dual Channel Audio Controller
SM19 Installation and Operation Manual
May 29, 2012 Rev: 5.00
Page 3-7
ENG-FORM: 806-0100.DOTX
3.7 AMS44
The AMS44 provides one central controller for all the aircraft audio, allowing selection of transmit and
receive audio, LIVE, PTT (Keyed), or VOX intercom, interface for an additional handheld transmit
microphone (hand mic), and pilot/copilot isolation/ emergency operation. Typical definition of the unit has
the ‘pilot’ on the right side of the controller, and the ‘copilot’ and passengers on the left side. This can be
easily re-configured at the time of installation for alternate seating arrangements.
Individual control over receive and transmit functions are provided for both the pilot and copilot
(observer), and a common control is provided for LIVE, PTT and VOX ICS operation. An additional
control is provided for NORMAL, EMERGENCY, or ISOLATE (pilot cut off from ICS audio) operation.
Sidetone (S/T) level is adjustable internally, and Receive (RX) and Intercom (ICS) levels are adjustable
on the front panel. All audio, except the S/T of the radio IN USE and any Type ‘B’ DIRECT AUDIO input
signals, are muted during transmit for clarity. ICS operation allows transmit during any ICS mode by using
the PTT switch.
3.8 AMS44
No internal audio alerting is provided in the AMS44. Two direct (unswitched) inputs are provided to allow
airframe alerting signals to be routed to the pilot. See 3.10.5 (Auxiliary Inputs) for more information.
DIR AUD #1 is amplified by the Audio controller, and can not be heard when the Mode Switch is in the
EMER position. DIR AUD #2 is not amplified, and is audible at all times.