fly zone (defined by the government), you stand against the light, your vision is low, blurred or hindered
by any obstacle or the flight conditions are otherwise unfavorable;
(12) You operate the UAV in poor weather conditions, such as rain, strong wind (above force 4), snow or hail;
(13) The UAV encounters any impact, overturn, fire, explosion, lightning stroke, storm, tornado, rainstorm,
flood, tsunamis, ground settlement, ice settlement, cliff fall, avalanche, hailstorm, mudslide, landslide or
(14) Any data or audio/video material acquired through the UAV constitutes an infringement;
(15) By any flight or shooting against this Manual;
(16) By your violation of any local law;
(17) Other losses beyond the scope of our liability.
User’s Manual for AEE CONDOR
Version: V1.0 2017.08
Please follow this Manual strictly to use Condor
All functions described herein are the functions of Condor in working state, unless otherwise specified.
In case of rain or snow in the flight, recall the UAV immediately and scrub it.
To install the propellers without damaging the product, follow the direction marks strictly to turn them with
appropriate pressure.