PixLite 16 User Manual V1.2
© 2015 Advatek Lighting Pty Ltd
DHCP is always enabled by default on a PixLite controller so it can immediately connect to any
existing network with a router. However it is recommended that you assign a static IP address once
communications have been established via the Advatek Assistant. If the controller is in DHCP mode
and is not assigned an IP address by a DHCP server, it will timeout after 15 seconds and default to a
static IP of
If DHCP mode is enabled, both LEDs will flash together until the controller receives an IP address, at
which point the power LED will remain on solid and the status LED will flash slowly indicating it is in
run mode and ready for use.
If a static IP address is assigned to the board, then the power LED will be solid from power up. If a
DHCP timeout occurs the power LED will stop flashing and go solid also.
4.2.2 - Using A Switch/Direct
It may be desirable to connect the controller directly to a switch or even directly to the host machine
instead of using a router. In this case (for first time configuration) you will need to ensure that the
network adapter of your computer is set in the IP range that the controller will default to (controller
defaults to
This means you PC’s IP should be 192.168.0.xxx where xxx is anything
between 1 and 254 other than 50. The subnet mask on your PC should be set to
Once you can successfully discover the controller in the Assistant, we recommended setting the
controller to a static IP address other than the default.
Figure 7 shows a screenshot of typical computer network settings to communicate with a PixLite 16
for the first time without a router.
Figure 7