iLS600, iLS600-R and iLS1500 Series
Rev. 05.20.21_#1.0
Remote sense lead resistance
Master mode
Unit serial number
LAN configuration
This command can be executed from any of the six operating modes (Local, Remote,
Remote with Lock, Analog Voltage Control, Analog Current Control, or Analog Dual Control),
but only when the output is deactivated.
— This command
sets Control Source to the specified value.
LOCal – Local. Control is from the front panel, with limited SCPI command
interface capability.
REMote – Remote. Control is over the SCPI command interface, with limited front
panel capability.
RWLock – Remote with Lock. Control is over the SCPI command interface, with no
front panel capability.
VOLTage – Analog Voltage Control. The voltage setpoint is determined by the
Analog Voltage input. SCPI commands provide the rest of the control, with limited
front panel capability.
CURRent – Analog Current Control. The current setpoint is determined by the
Analog Current input. SCPI commands provide the rest of the control, with limited
front panel capability.
DUAL – Analog Dual Control. The voltage setpoint is determined by the Analog
Voltage input. The current setpoint is determined by the Analog Current input.
SCPI commands provide the rest of the control, with limited front panel capability.
— This command returns the presently selected Control Source.
SYSTem:MODe:ASCale <VOLTage|CURRent>,<3|5|10>
— This command sets the
specified analog channel (voltage or current) to the specified scaling level (3volt, 5 volt, or
10 volt).