Use in practice
Flying in general
The BIPRO 3 is flown in an upright attitude which gives the pilot the
best view.
This tandem harness has many trump cards to play. When it has be-
en correctly adjusted, relevant information from the wing is transmitted
directly to the pilot seat. Pilot weight is evenly distributed from thigh to
shoulder blade. This avoids uncomfortable pressure points; ideal blood
circulation is maintained throughout the upper body, and mental focus
will be sustained even during long flights.
Ground handling
Light weight and the ability to stand upright without restriction make
the BIPRO 3 well suited to ground handling.
Pre-takeoff preparation and Check
Do the following Takeoff Check before every takeoff:
Harness and Helmet (Pilot and Passenger) buckled up, Reserve
connection lines and Reserve OK?
Lines free?
Canopy open?
Wind direction and strength assessed?
Airspace and field of view clear?
Solo flying
The BIPRO 3 design makes it suitable for solo flying.
ADVANCE harnesses are suitable for winch launching. For tandem
flying the tow link must be attached to the passenger harness. If in
doubt, you should consult the winch driver or someone authorised by
the manufacturer.
The BIPRO 3 is certified as a tandem harness for up to 120 kg, and as
such is suitable for tandem acro flying.