Soft Spreaders (175 g*)
Soft-Spreaders have three different main support points for the tan-
dem glider.
The supplied Maillon Rapide quicklinks (incl. Neoprene covers
) are each used to connect a pilot’s spreader end
to the BIPRO 3.
Reserve connection lines are fixed to a spreader below the main at-
tachment point
. The other ends of the connection lines
go on
the outside of the carabiner through the magnet-closed loop on the
Neoprene covers
to the BIPRO 3 shoulder straps and the excess
length neatly stowed in the Tube-Pockets there
. The ends then
connect to the reserve.
When fitting the paraglider carabiners make sure that
the numbers for the hangpoints are on top . The reserve connec-
tion lines must run along the underside of the spreaders . If this is
not the case you have the spreaders upside down .
* incl. reserve connection line, Maillon Rapide and Neoprene cover