Section 61245023L1-5B, Issue 2
Insert Errors Feature
This feature is located under the BERT Tests option
of the Test menu using the front panel LCD. This
option is only valid if the Nx64 is already running
the Test Pattern. This feature inserts an error into
the test pattern each time the Enter key is pressed.
The error is shown in the Pattern Results option
which is also located under the BERT Tests option
of the Test menu.
This option, located under the UTIL menu, allows
for restricted access of the Nx64 by requiring that a
passcode be entered before any options can be
selected from the front panel, while still allowing
the user to view settings without restriction. Set the
passcode by way of the Set Passcode option under
the UTIL menu. Then lock the Keypad option
under the UTIL menu. In order to gain access to the
unit, unlock the Keypad option and enter the correct
V.54 Loopback
This option is located under the Remote feature of
the Loopbacks option of the Test menu. The V.54
Loopback command loops up the far-end Nx64
HTU-R device allowing for testing purposes. To
enable this feature, turn on the Nx64 HTU-R LB
setting of the Remote option. The Remote option is
under the Loopbacks feature of the Test menu. The
unit initiating the loopback will give an indication
when the far end is looped.
Menu Screen Descriptions
On-screen abbreviations for the menu screens are
detailed in
Table 5
Table 5. Screen Abbreviations
AMI ...................... Alternate Mark Inversion
BPV ...................... Bipolar Violation
CUST .................... Customer
ES ......................... Errored Seconds
ESF ....................... Extended Superframe
LBO ...................... Line Build-out
LP1 ....................... Loop 1
LP2 ....................... Loop 2
NET ...................... Network
NIU ....................... Network Interface Unit
RX ........................ Receive
S/N ........................ Serial Number
SES ....................... Severely Errored Seconds
SF .......................... Superframe
UAS ...................... Unavailable Seconds
15 M ..................... Fifteen-minute (period)
24 H ...................... Twenty-four-hour (period)