MWS 897
Page 5
3.5.4 Menu Function Sensor->Limit-relay
Assign the alarm relay to the limit value of a measuring point. The allocation is optional, each limit
value can be assigned to a maximum of 3 alarm relays. One alarm relay can also be assigned more
than once (e.g. collective/group alarm). It is not possible to use the fault relay K4 for other functions.
Select measuring point -> select limit -> amount of relay -> assignment
factory settings:
Sensor 1 Limit 1 -> K1
Sensor 1 Limit 2 -> K2
Sensor 1 Limit 3 -> K3
Sensor 2 Limit 1 -> K1
Sensor 2 Limit 2 -> K2
Sensor 2 Limit 3 -> K3
Sensor 3 Limit 1 -> K1
Sensor 3 Limit 2 -> K2
Sensor 3 Limit 3 -> K3
for example: to generate a group indication with relay K3 use following configuration
Sensor 1 Limit 1 -> K1
Sensor 1 Limit 2 -> K3
Sensor 1 Limit 3 -> 0
Sensor 2 Limit 1 -> K2
Sensor 2 Limit 2 -> K3
Sensor 2 Limit 3 -> 0
the settings can be tested with the menu item “System test”