MWS 897
Page 4
Menu Function Service
Switch the maintenance modus “ON” or “OFF” to avoide false alarms during repair or calibrating the
sensors. If the maintenance mode is active, all alarm and faults are supressed. By selecting “ON" the
duration is 60 minutes after leaving the menu.
Menu Function System-test
In this menu item all alarms can be initiated manually. The alarm relays and LED´s assigned to the
sensor limits are all activated. After this a fault will be generated and the 0-5V analogue output will be
tested. The assignement of the alarm relay (K1, K2, K3) can be changed independently for each
sensor and its limits. The setttings can be changed in the menu function “sensor->limit-relay”.
Menu Function Sensor
3.5.1 Menu Function Sensor->Number
Set the number of sensors that are connected. After making a change, the equipment must be
reinitialised and the programme makes a restart.
3.5.2 Menu Function Sensor->Mute
This menu item is used when it is required to switch temporarily a measuring point “On” or “Off”. This
function can be of use for example, if a particular section area of the system has to be shut down.
(Caution: Responsibility of the system operator!)
3.5.3 Menu Function Sensor->Limits
Three limit values and characteristics can be set for each measuring point. For every sensor can be
set an average time between 0 and 30 minutes. In the normal cyclic measurement modus the display
switches between actual and average gas value. Zero minutes deactivate the averaging process.
The first line of the display shows the current limit value and in the second line the new modifiable
value is mentioned.
Actuating direction:
> alarm, if the limit value exceeds
< alarm, if the level falls below the limit value
Limit value:
Possible between 5 and 100% of the measuring range
Reaction on actual or average gas value
Set the reset of the limit value to automatic or manual
The alarm reset is only possible, if alarm condition is no longer present.