MWS 897
Page 2
After switch-on the unit is automatically ready for normal cyclic measurement operation.
To prevent alarm errors during the stabilising/warm up phase of the gas sensors, the alarm and fault
monitoring is suppressed for approximately 5 minutes after switch on.
The measurement points will be checked periodically. In normal cycle mode each sensor is present
in display for 4 seconds. The fault and alarm management is independent from the actual sensor on
the display. All sensors will be checked permantly.
With the “SELECT” key it is possible to switch between cyclic measure mode and sensor hold on
mode. The hold on mode focusses one sensor on the display. This is indicated by a “*” after the
measuring point.
The first line of the display shows the actual or the average measure value, the gas and the unit. The
second line shows the actual measuring point and the status of this sensor.
In case of a fault or because of special parameters being set, the following messages can occur
instead of the gas concentration:
“????” the sensor is operating below its normal reference point (I < 3,5mA)
“^^^^” the sensor has exceeded its mesurement range (> 110%)
“****” the sensor has been muted and will not be evaluated
Normality, Measure point 2, no faults, no alarm
Third alarm of measure point 4
First alarm, sensor 1 in hold on mode
Display 15 minutes average value, alarm 1 from sensor 1
Input signal from measure point 1 < 3,5mA = fault
Indication through fault LED and K4
CO2: 0.211 VOL%
S2 alarm: 0
CH4: 85 % UEG
S4 alarm: 3
CO: 50 ppm
S1* alarm: 1
15min: 45 ppm
S1* alarm: 1
CO: ???? ppm
S1 fault