User Guide
Adjusts the brightness or darkness of the image, much as the Exposure slider does. However, instead of
clipping the image in the highlights (areas that are completely white, no detail) or shadows (areas that are completely
black, no detail), Brightness compresses the highlights and expands the shadows when you move the slider to the
right. In general, use the Brightness slider after you set the white and black clipping points with the Exposure and
Shadow sliders.
Adjusts the midtones in an image. Higher values increase the midtone contrast, and lower values decrease
it. Generally, you use the Contrast slider to adjust the contrast of the midtones after setting the Exposure, Shadows,
and Brightness values.
Adjusts the color saturation of the image from –100 (pure monochrome) to +100 (double the saturation).
To rotate images in Camera Raw
Click a Rotate Image button
to rotate the image 90˚ counterclockwise or 90˚ clockwise.
To straighten images in Camera Raw
In the Camera Raw dialog box, select the Straighten tool
Drag the Straighten tool in the preview image to establish what’s horizontal or vertical.
To crop images in Camera Raw
In the Camera Raw dialog box, select the Crop tool
(Optional) If you want the crop area constrained to specific proportions, click the Crop tool icon and choose a
proportion from the pop-up menu. Choosing Custom opens the Custom Crop dialog box, where you can specify the
proportions or the dimensions of the crop. Click OK.
Drag the Crop tool over the image.
(Optional) Adjust the crop area:
To scale or rotate the crop area, drag just outside the bounding box handles.
To move the crop area, drag in the bounding box.
If you selected several images in the Camera Raw dialog box, they are all cropped to the same size, with the crop
applied in the same position.
To cancel the crop operation, press Esc with the Crop tool selected or click the Crop tool and choose Clear Crop
from the pop-up menu. To cancel the crop and close the Camera Raw dialog box without processing the camera raw
image file, click the Cancel button or deselect the Crop tool and press Esc.
Click OK to apply the crop and process the camera raw image file.
To adjust sharpening in camera raw files
The Sharpness slider lets you adjust the edge definition. The Sharpness adjustment is a variation of the Unsharp
Mask effect, which locates pixels that differ from surrounding pixels based on the threshold you specify and increases
the pixels’ contrast by the amount you specify. When opening a camera raw image file, After Effects calculates the
threshold to use based on camera model, ISO, and exposure compensation. You can choose whether sharpening is
applied to all images or just to previews.
Zoom the preview image to at least 100%.