Signal Connection
The input circuits of the EA, EB, EZ signals are shown as follows.
Figure 3.3.1 Pulse input (encoder counter) circuit
The voltage across every differential pair of encoder input signals
(EA+, EA-), (EB+, EB-) and (EZ+, EZ-) should be
at least 3.5V
higher. Therefore, you have to take care of the driving capability
when connecting with the encoder feedback or motor driver
Here are two examples of connecting the input signals with the external
circuits. The input circuits can connect to the encoder or motor driver, which
are equipped with: (1) differential line driver or (2) open collector o utput.
Connection to Line Driver Output
To drive the PCI-8136M encoder input, the driver output must provide at least
3.5V across the differential pairs with at least 6 mA driving capability. The
ground level of the two sides must be tight together too.
Figure 3.3.2 Connection to line driver output