Motion Library
5.14 2D Interpolation
_8136_Start_Move_XY – Start a trapezoidal 2 axes linear
interpolation motion
_8136_Start_Arc_XY – Start a trapezoidal 2 axes circular
interpolation motion
_8136_Start_S_Move_XY –Start a trapezoidal 2 axes linear
interpolation motion
_8136_Start_S_Arc_XY – Start a trapezoidal 2 axes circular
interpolation motion
This function is for 2D linear interpolation of trapezoidal velocity
profile motion with absolute position for any two axes in one Card.
This function is for 2D circular interpolation of trapezoidal velocity
profile motion with absolute position for any two axes in one Card.
This function is for 2D linear interpolation of S-curve velocity profile
motion with absolute position for any two axes in one
This function is for 2D circular interpolation of S-curve velocity
profile motion with absolute position for any two axes in one Card.
@ Syntax
C/C++ (DOS, Windows 95/98/NT/2000)
I16 _8136_Start_Move_XY(I16 CardNo, I16* AxisArray,I32 PX,
I32 PY, F64 StrVel,F64 MaxVel,F64 Tacc,F64 Tdec)
I16 _8136_Start_Arc_XY(I16 CardNo, I16* AxisArray, I32 PX, I32
PY, F64 Angle, F64 StrVel, F64 MaxVel, F64 Tacc, F64
I16 _8136_Start_S_Move_XY(I16 CardNo, I16* AxisArray,I32 PX,
I32 PY, F64 StrVel,F64 MaxVel,F64 Tacc,F64 Tdec)
I16 _8136_Start_S_Arc_XY(I16 CardNo, I16* AxisArray, I32 PX,
I32 PY, F64 Angle, F64 StrVel, F64 MaxVel, F64 Tacc, F64