Adler SpA
Valvole a sfera –- V.le Borletti , 14 - 20010 S. Stefano Ticino (MI) - ITALY
+39 - 0297484211 –
. +39 - 0297271698
- Web Site
: www.adlerspa.com -
Before installation it is necessary:
To verify that the rating marked on the body valve is higher than the working pressure;
To be sure that the pipe-line is free from residual of weldings, rubbish, shavings and every kind of extraneous materials;
To check for the absence of extraneous particles (ground, dust, etc.) in the passage, on seat and ball surface if ball valve has been stocked without
plastic caps of protection.
To remove plastic caps of protection;
To operate the ball valve twice (open and close);
To verify if the weight or the dimension of the ball valve require more workers for transport and installation.
Flanged ball valves need gaskets interposed between them and counter-flanges. (These gaskets are not supplied by
Adler S.p.A
To assemble flanged ball valves to the pipe-line it’s necessary to use screws or stud bolts fixed by a torque meter key. The torque values are available on
“Table 1”
“Table 2”
For split valves (three parts) with welding ends, set the valve on piping, make three welding point to fix the ends of the valve, unscrew and remove
tie-rods and then slip off the central body of the valve. Finally complete the welding and reassemble the body valve.
Metric Threads
Drilling Dimensions
Carbon Steel screws torque
Stainless Steel screw torque
M 5
3 . 8
M 6
1 0 . 4
6 . 5
M 8
2 4 . 6
1 5 . 4
M 1 0
5 0 . 1
3 1 . 3
M 1 2
8 4 . 8
5 3
M 1 4
1 3 5
8 4 . 3
M 1 6
2 0 5
1 2 8
M 1 8
2 8 3
1 7 7
M 2 0
4 0 0
2 5 0
M 2 2
5 3 2
3 2 2
M 2 4
6 9 1
4 3 2
M 2 7
1 0 1 0
6 3 1
M 3 0
1 3 7 0
8 5 7
M 3 3
1 7 9 5
1 2 3 0
(Table 1)
(Table 2)
: diagrams and pictures are provided as example for your assistance; the manufacturer may make any changes which he considers
appropriate, without any prior warning, in line with his aim of pursuing a policy of constant development and innovation.
Considering working conditions, after a certain period of work and operations the ball valves may have problems of tightness due to seats & seals
settlement. Small leakage from the stem can be solved adjusting stem bolt. We suggest this operation once a year.
With reference to pictures of ball valves proceed as follows:
Unscrew and remove the first nut (Ref. 14) up to allow a slight vertical movement of the lever (Ref. 15), without removing it from it’s site. Then tighten
with an hexagonal key the under-placed nut (Ref. 14) keeping the lever (Ref. 15) locked by the hand. Screw the top nut to take the ball valve back to
initial position.
If the leakage persist we suggest servicing the ball valve dismounting it from the pipe-line replacing seats & seals.
: to order spare parts is always necessary to know the model of the valve, the nominal diameter, material and possible serial number.
To avoid damages to people or things before to service, the ball valve must be depressurised. Then follow these indications:
Turn the lever (ref. 15) to 45° so the ball is opened (or closed) at 50%;
Clear-up the pipe-line on which the ball valve is mounted;
Take the necessary precautions to avoid possible accident. During operations of disassembly wear always appropriate clothes & shoes, anti-acid rubber
gloves, glasses, powder/gas-mask evaluating the degree of danger of the medium.;
Wash accurately the ball valves;
U.N.C. thread
Drilling Dimensions
Carbon Steel screws torque
Stainless Steel screws torque
1 / 2 ”
8 4 . 8
5 3
5 / 8 ”
2 0 5
1 2 8
3 / 4 ”
4 0 0
2 5 0
1 ”
6 9 1
4 3 2