Temperature Controller ETA 110
04.06.09 page 2
In operating mode, the temperature values can only be changed transiently,
this means that at the next programme start the controller will revert to
working with the value that had originally been entered in programming
The code setting can not be changed while the controller is in operation.
Setting functio
n „Relay 1“ heating or cooling: Code 101
Upper display shows „rL1“. Choose between „HEA“ (heating) and „Coo“(cooling)
Choose the setting with the buttons plus/minus
Setting function „Relay 2“ as alarm signal, operation or upper-/lower limit value: Code 102
Upper display shows „rL2“. Choose between “Alr“ (alarm signal), „OPE“
(operation) and „LCo“ (limit comparator)
Choose the setting with the buttons plus/minus
Functions of relays K1 and K2 can be interchanged: Code 105
Upper display: „SrL“ (switch relays). Choose between „on“ (functions are
interchanged) and „off“ (functions are not interchanged). The relay displays in
codes 101 and 102 will be changed accordingly.
Basic setting: „off“
The function of the heating control: Code 111
can be pre-set for example to avoid exceeding the nominal value. There are three
options of how to set the heating control:
2-point controller
When the actual value reaches the nominal value,
the output relay will switch off. The relay will only
switch back on, when the actual value falls below
the nominal value plus the hysteresis.
While the actual value is within the control range,
the output relay clocks, - here the switch-on interval
depends on the electrical off-set. The control range,
the basic time interval (the sum of switch-on and
switch-off interval) for these clocking intervals, and
a minimum switch-on time can be pre-set. The
minimum switch-on interval cannot be longer than
half the basic time!
Clocking controller
While the actual value is within the control range the
output relay clocks at pre-set switch-on - and off
intervals. The control range and the switch on and
off intervals can be pre-set.
rel.switch-on interv
control range
Nom. value
T out in sec.
clocking range in sec.
T on in sec.