Owner’s Guide
an equi-potential source (a metal stake drive into the soil is a typical situation). A
licensed electrician must perform this installation.
• Power cords should never be modified so as to remove the earth connection. The
integrity of the Protective Earth connection between each piece of equipment
and the Protective Earth should be verified regularly by qualified personnel.
• PowerLabs are compatible with electrical safety devices (sometimes known as
Safety Switches, Ground fault circuit interruptor, Residual Current Devices or
Earth-leakage Circuit Breaker). ADInstruments recommends the use of such
devices supplied in fixed wiring installations.
• Avoid using multiple portable socket-outlets (such as power boards) where
possible as they provide an inherently less safe environment with respect to
electrical hazards. Individual connection of each piece of equipment to fixed
mains socket-outlets is the preferred means of connection.
• When used in ambient temperatures of 38 degrees Celcius and above, do not
touch PowerLab enclosure or the USB cable continuously for more than a minute.
• To safely shut down the PowerLab, press the stop button and then close
LabChart. Turn the PowerLab off at the inlet switch.
If multiple portable socket outlets are used, they are subject to the following constraints:
• They shall not be placed on the floor.
• Additional multiple portable socket outlets or extension cords shall not be
connected to the system.
• They shall only be used for supplying power to equipment which is intended to
form part of the system.
Cleaning and Sterilization
ADInstruments products may be wiped down with a lint free cloth moistened with
industrial methylated spirit.
Inspection and Maintenance
PowerLab systems and ADInstruments front-ends are all maintenance-free and do
not require periodic calibration or adjustment to ensure safe operation. Internal
diagnostic soft ware performs system checks during power up and will report errors if a
significant problem is found. There is no need to open the instrument for inspection or
maintenance, and doing so within the warranty period will void the warranty.
The PowerLab system can be periodically checked for basic safety by using an
appropriate safety testing device. Tests such as earth leakage, earth bond, insulation
resistance, subject leakage and auxiliary currents and power cable integrity can all be
performed on the PowerLab system without having to remove the covers. Follow the
instructions for the testing device if performing such tests. If the PowerLab system
is found not to comply with such testing you should contact your ADInstruments
representative to arrange for the equipment to be checked and serviced.
To avoid risk of
electric shock, this
equipment must
only be connected
to a supply mains
with protective