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quick user guide
Out of the Box:
Monitoring is in Sleep Mode.
To Activate Monitoring:
Hold c to enter Setting Mode which will allow you to enter
personal info.
Home screen
A - Start/Stop
B - Confirm/Light
c - Mode/Set/Reset
Initial screen
After 2 seconds
Example of typical
Press A to increase value/toggle .
Press c to decrease value/toggle .
Press B to advance to next field.
Fields for entering information are as follows:
TiMe - time, day, date, month, year
seX - male or female
Age - how old are you?
HeigHT - FT or CM
WeigHT - KG or LBS
After WeigHT, screen will revert back to Time of Day.
Monitoring is now AcTiVATed!
sTeps - calculate overall steps in a day
cALOries - calories burned
disTAnce - distanced covered
pAce - calculate minutes per mile
only available while working out)
LOg - records info for the last 7 days
Страница 1: ...sprung quick user guide ...
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Страница 22: ... 42 43 如需查看某值 在 12 小时表盘一面 将表圈转动至所需功能 示例 卡路里 将显示该值 按住屏幕以实现在 时刻 和 计步器 之间进行切换 ...
Страница 24: ... 46 47 若要查看數值 在 12 小時的一側 將錶圈旋轉至所需的功能 範例 卡路里 數值將會顯示 按住按鈕即可在當日時間和計步器之間進行切換 ...
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