Coax Control
Up-the-Coax RapidDome Domes do not require an address setting; therefore the settings
of positions 1 - 7 on DILSW1 are ignored. Position 8 controls the alarm feature as
described in Section 7.
LED on the RapidDome Dome Bottom Board
In the following section please refer to below for the locations on the board.
The RapidDome Dome Bottom Board
will flash each time a valid control command for this receiver is received.
Alarm Settings
Switch 8 of the 8 way DIL switch (DILSW1: see on page 3) is used to toggle the
RapidDome Domes alarm setting. When the switch is ‘ON’ the RapidDome Domes
alarm inputs are enabled and set to the default settings as shown in the table below. If
switch 8 is ‘OFF’ then the alarms are not automatically enabled, but can be enabled and
adjusted using a MaxCom with local alarm menus. (See the MaxCom instructions for
details of alarm setting menus.)
- Data Received LED
Flashes whenever a
valid telemetry
command is received