CATxIP 5000 User Prefs
Screen Saver
Confirmation Box
Moving Logo
User Preferences
The User Preferences are system operating
parameters that are independently selectable
for each user and affect only their screen.
Screen Saver
Settings: Blank, Moving Logo
You can select the type of screen saver. If you select BLANK then the screen
will blank completely. If you select Moving Logo then a small Adder logo will
bounce around the screen.
Confirmation Box
Settings: Disabled, Enabled
When enabled, a confirmation box is displayed on screen for three seconds after
a computer is selected. The confirmation box indicates the current user port and
user name, the selected computer and the connection status.
To get here
1 From a local keyboard, log on as a
standard or ‘admin’ user.
2 Press
(hotkeys can change).
3 Press to show the Main Menu.
4 Select ‘User Preferences’ and press