Upgrading AdderView CATxIP 5000 models
The AdderView CATxIP 5000 models are upgraded via global connection
(through the IP network port). Upgrades are digitally signed by Adder using
a secure key. This prevents unauthorised or altered firmware images being
downloaded into the AdderView CATxIP 5000.
To upgrade AdderView CATxIP 5000 models
1 Download the latest firmware revision for the AdderView CATxIP 5000
from the Adder website and decompress the download file. View the
decompressed files and make a note of the name and location of the
file that was part of the download file collection.
2 Make a
global connection
to the AdderView CATxIP 5000 unit and login
as the admin user.
3 Once logged in, click the ‘Configure’ button in the top right corner of the
4 Click the ‘Unit Configuration’ button.
5 Click the ‘Advanced Unit Configuration’ button.
6 Click the ‘Upgrade Firmware’
button. This dialog will be displayed:
8 Click the ‘Browse’ button and locate the
upgrade file that you
downloaded earlier. Click the ‘Upload file’ button. The AdderView CATxIP
5000 will next show the following screen:
9 Select which portion of the AdderView CATx IP that you wish to upgrade:
• Tick the ’Main’ option to upgrade the AdderView CATxIP 5000 unit itself.
• Tick one or more of the CAM options to include them in the upgrade
10 When ready, click the ‘Perform upgrade’ button. The upgrade will take
place and its progress will be shown on screen.
11 When the upgrade is complete, click the link ‘Click here to reboot the unit
into normal operation’.
Recovering from a failed upgrade
If a problem is encountered while upgrading the AdderView CATxIP 5000, it is
still possible to restart the unit and attempt a new upgrade process.
To invoke backup/recovery mode
1 Remove power, press and hold the reset button (insert a thin implement
such as a straightened paper clip into the small hole next to the IP
connector) and then re-apply power. Then, release the reset button
2 Access the AdderView CATxIP 5000 using a web browser on an IP connected
system. When the upgrade page is displayed, follow the normal instructions,
except after step 10, remove and replace the power on the unit.
7 Click OK. The AdderView CATxIP 5000 is now ready to accept the upgrade
files. Open your browser and connect to the AdderView CATxIP 5000
using the IP address that was confirmed in the dialog. Once connected, the
AdderView CATxIP 5000 will offer the following screen: