Receivers > Add Receiver Group or Configure Group
From the View Receiver Groups page, you can create a new group or configure an
existing group:
• To create a new group: Click the “Add Receiver Group” option.
• To configure an existing group: Click for a group.
The Add and Configure pages are similar in content.
login Required
: When selected, anyone can use a receiver terminal and connect to a channel. The
channels/permissions displayed to this anonymous user are those that are set for the
“anonymous user” defined within the
Dashboard > Settings
Inherit from global setting
: When selected, the requirement for user login will be
determined by the “Login Required” setting within the
Dashboard > Settings
: When selected, a user will need to login with the username and password defined
in the “Users” section. They will only be allowed to login if they have been granted
permission to access devices in the receiver group.
Enable Receiver OSD Alerts
Determine the required setting for pop up OSD alerts: Inherit, No or Yes.
The next fields are the USB settings
Note: USB port reservation and advanced USB features will be added to future releases of the
A.I.M. management system.
HID Only
If enabled, allows only HID (mice and keyboards) devices to be connected to the
Disable Isochronous Endpoint OSD Alerts
When an isochronous USB device is connected to the receiver there will no longer be a
warning message. ALIF units do not support isochronous devices.
Enable Isochronous Endpoint Attach
Some USB devices combine many USB devices behind a USB hub. e.g a keyboard with
audio support. By enabling this option, devices will be allowed to connect to ALIF
receivers, however, the isochronous part (e.g. the audio component) of the devices will
not work.
Enable Video Compatibility Check
This reads the EDID from the attached monitor and determines whether the monitor is
capable of displaying the selected video mode before connecting a channel. This prevents
the receiver showing a black screen and the user being locked out because a dual link
resolution has been selected to display on a single link monitor.
Group Membership
This section allows you to easily include or exclude individual receivers for this group.
All relevant group permissions will be applied to all receivers that are included within
the group. Receivers that are not currently included in this group within the left list and
those receivers that are included within the right list.
To add a receiver to this group
: Highlight one or more (use the CTRL key if selecting
more than one) receiver names in the left list and then click to add the name(s) to
the right list.
To add all receivers to the group
: Click to move all receiver names from the left
to the right list.
To remove a receiver from the group
: Highlight one or more (use the CTRL key if
selecting more than one) receiver names in the right list and then click
to move the
name(s) back to the left list.
To remove all receivers from the group
: Click to move all receiver names from
the right to the left list.
This is hidden by default because all users have access to all receivers. You can deny
access to the receiver group, however, be aware that users who are included within user
groups may have been given access to the receiver group via their user groups.
Receivers > Update Firmware
Click this option to go straight to the Dashboard > Updates page.
Dashboard > Updates
for more details.