Dashboard > Settings > Transmitters
Dashboard > Settings > Receivers
This page applies a standard global configuration to all transmitters.
Magic eye
Determines whether the Magic Eye feature should be enabled on ALIF dual (2002T)
transmitters. Magic Eye works to overcome the issues with increased bandwidth usage
caused by ‘dithering’ techniques used on some computers, such as Apple Macs. See the
ALIF dual user guide for more details.
Determines whether video configuration details should be harvested from connected
display screens or a static fixed EDID report should be used. Care must be taken when
selecting a Dual Link Video resolution as only ALIF dual units support a Dual Link Video
resolutions. In the case of a Dual Link EDID being set in the Global settings, no EDID will
be set on Video port 2 of the ALIF dual transmitters.
Hot Plug Detect control
Determines whether to enable hot plug detection for video displays. By default this is enabled.
Hot Plug Detect signal Period
By default this is set at 25ms, which is sufficient for most graphics cards. Occasionally it
may be necessary to adjust this. An Adder FAE will advise if necessary.
background Refresh
The number of frames between sending an entire frame of video data. Setting this to a
longer period or disabling this will reduce the bandwidth required.
colour Depth
The color depth to use: 8, 16 or 24 bit.
The next fields are the USB settings.
Note: USB port reservation and advanced USB features
will be added to future releases of the A.I.M. management system.
Usb speed
Select Low/full speed or High speed USB operation.
USB Hub Size
Select either a 13 or 7 port USB hub. This determines the number of USB devices that
can be connected to a single Transmitter.
Note: It is not possible to reserve USB ports on the transmitter when used with A.I.M..
Enable Dummy Boot Keyboard
It is often necessary to have a keyboard reported at start up. This setting means that a
“Virtual Keyboard” is always reported to the USB host. It may be necessary to disable
this for use with some KVM switches.
Serial Parity, Data Bits, Stop Bits, Speed
These settings determine the default serial port configuration.
This page applies a standard global configuration to all receivers.
Hotkey settings
The first few rows determine the Hotkeys that can be used to invoke certain functions.
It is possible to select mouse keys to perform these functions, though it is not possible
to use both mouse switching and a hot key combination. It is also not possible to mix left
and right function keys. Left Ctrl and Left ALT are the default settings.
login required
Determines whether it is necessary to log into the receiver.
Enable Receiver OSD Alerts
Determine the required setting for pop up OSD alerts: No or Yes.
The next fields are the USB settings.
Note: USB port reservation and advanced USB features
will be added to future releases of the A.I.M. management system.
HID only
If enabled, allows only HID (mice and keyboards) devices to be connected to the
Disable Isochronous Endpoint Alerts
When an isochronous USB device is connected to the receiver there will no longer be a
warning message. ALIF units do not support isochronous devices.
Enable Isochronous Endpoint Attach
Some USB devices combine many USB devices behind a USB hub. e.g a keyboard with
audio support. By enabling this option, devices will be allowed to connect to ALIF
receivers, however, the isochronous part (e.g. the audio component) of the devices will
not work.
Video Compatibility Check
This reads the EDID from the attached monitor and determines whether the monitor is
capable of displaying the selected video mode before connecting a channel. This prevents
the receiver showing a black screen and the user being locked out because a dual link
resolution has been selected to display on a single link monitor.
Receiver Keyboard Country Code
Select the country code of the keyboard connected to the receiver.
Audio Input Type
Select the required audio input type.