Advanced Control Equipment (ACE2)
96A0357 Rev. F
© ADB Airfield Solutions All Rights Reserved
2.2 Introduction
This section describes the L-827/ L-829 Advanced Control Equipment (ACE2
ACE and ACE2 are trademarks of ADB Airfield Solutions.
The ACE2 operates either as the remote interface between the L-890 ALCMS and any
controlled element in the airfield lighting vault or as the stand-alone regulator/monitor
performing all L-827/L-829 functions in accordance with FAA AC 150 /5345-10F. The ACE2
is a universal device that can be used to control any type of CCR and/or controlled element
regardless of the manufacturer.
L-827/L-829 ACE2
The ACE2 can be physically packaged as a Combo Box-Mount (Figure 3), a Wall-Mount
(Figure 1), or a CCR Internal-Mount (Figure 2). The Combo Box Assembly is a wall-mount
version, which houses the ACE2 controller board, the IRMS board, and the CVM. The
Remote-Mount is typically placed on top of the CCR. The Wall-Mount is usually bolted to a
wall or can be mounted on the front of a CCR. The internal-mount is mounted inside a ADB
Airfield Solutions L-828 CCR. This combination is called an L-829 CCR. Specifications for
1. Input Voltage Requirements 85 to 256 VAC, 50/60 Hz
2. Input Power Requirements12VA
3. Environmental Operating -10°C to +55°C (+14°F to +131°F)
4. Altitude Sea Level to 10,000 feet (Sea Level to 3 km)
2.2.1 Dimensions
1. Wall-Mount: 13.2 x 11.3 x 4.2 inches (33.5 x 28.7 x 10.7 cm)
2. Internal-Mount: 13.2 x 10.3 x 2.7 inches (33.5 x 26.2 x 6.9 cm)
3. Combo Box: 20.0 X 20.0 X 8.7 inches (50.8 x 50.8 x 22.1 cm)
4. Remote-Mount: 13.3 x 10.4 x 3.9 inches (33.8 x 26.4 x 9.9 cm)
2.2.2 Wall Mount
Figure 1:
ACE2 Wall-Mount Assembly
1. Enclosure
2. ACE2 Front Display
3. ACE Control Keys