In certain "emergency" cases this is a very powerful and helpful option. This function allows
you to add to a Logical Drive which is member of an Array Drive, another Logical Drive as a
mirror drive (RAID-1).
Example: You have configured an Array Drive with 4 Logical Drives. One Logical Drive has
failed and the Array Drive went into the fail state. Another failure would cause data loss.
Unfortunately, you find another Logical Drive, which is shortly before failing (e.g., you hear
a strange noise from it, or it's grown defect counter explodes). If you now initiate a hot plug
it is very likely that this critical Logical Drive will also fail. This would result in a disaster. To
avoid that problem, you can mirror in a first step a new good Logical Drive to the critical
one. When the copying is finished you remove the critical Logical Drive (see over-next para-
graph) and then carry out a hot plug procedure.