Last status:
The Last Status gives detailed information on the last failure of a hard disk. The
information is only present until the next hard reset of the system and may help for deeper
failure analysis or tracing.
The following listed messages are part of the SCSI documentation. Format:
(???? = additional device specific messages)
NO SENSE. Indicates that there is no specific sense key information to
be reported for the designated logical unit. This would be the case for
a successful command or a command that received CHECK
CONDITION or COMMAND TERMINATED status because one of the
filemark, EOM, or ILI bits is set to one.
RECOVERED ERROR. Indicates that the last command completed suc-
cessfully with some recovery action performed by the target. Details
may be determinable by examining the additional sense bytes and the
information field. When multiple recovered errors occur during one
command, the choice of which error to report (first, last, most severe,
etc.) is device specific.
NOT READY. Indicates that the logical unit addressed cannot be ac-
cessed. Operator intervention may be required to correct this condi-
MEDIUM ERROR. Indicates that the command terminated with a non
recovered error condition that was probably caused by a flaw in the
medium or an error in the recorded data. This sense key may also be
returned if the target is unable to distinguish between a flaw in the
medium and a specific hardware failure (sense key 4h).
HARDWARE ERROR. Indicates that the target detected a non-
recoverable hardware failure (for example, controller failure, device
failure, parity error, etc.) while performing the command or during a
self test.
ILLEGAL REQUEST. Indicates that there was an illegal parameter in
the command descriptor block or in the additional parameters sup-
plied as data for some commands (FORMAT UNIT, SEARCH DATA,
etc.). If the target detects an invalid parameter in the command de-
scriptor block, then it shall terminate the command without altering
the medium. If the target detects an invalid parameter in the additional
parameters supplied as data, then the target may have already altered
the medium. This sense key may also indicate that an invalid IDENTIFY
message was received (6.6.7).
UNIT ATTENTION. Indicates that the removable medium may have
been changed or the target has been reset. See 7.9 for more detailed
information about the unit attention condition.
DATA PROTECT. Indicates that a command that reads or writes the
medium was attempted on a block that is protected from this opera-
tion. The read or write operation is not performed.