Chapter 6 Deployment of the CPU 821xDP
ADAM 8000 Manual CPU 821x – Rev 1.1
Diagnostic functions
Profibus-DP is provided with an extensive set of diagnostic functions that
may be used to locate problems quickly and effectively. Diagnostic
messages are transferred via the bus and collected by the master.
The CPU 821xDP transmits diagnostic data when requested by the master
or when an error occurs. Since a portion of the diagnostic data
(Byte11...15) is located in the peripheral address area of the CPU, you may
start the diagnostics and modify the diagnostic data. Diagnostic data
consists of:
standard diagnostic data (Byte 0.. 5),
equipment related diagnostic data (Byte 6...15).
The structure of the diagnostic data is as follows:
Standard diagnostic data
Byte 0
Station status 1
Byte 1
Station status 2
Byte 2
Station status 3
Byte 3
Master address
Byte 4
Ident number (low)
Byte 5
Ident number (high)
Device related diagnostic data
Byte 6
Length and code of device related
Byte 7
Equipment related diagnostic
Byte 8 ... Byte 10
Byte 11 ... Byte 15
User-specific diagnostic data
is mapped into the peripheral
addressing range of the CPU and may
be modified and send to the master.