Feather HELP!
My ItsyBitsy/Feather stopped working when I unplugged
the USB!
A lot of our example sketches have a
while (!Serial);
line in setup(), to keep the board waiting until the USB is opened. This makes it a
lot easier to debug a program because you get to see all the USB data output. If
you want to run your Feather without USB connectivity, delete or comment out that
My Feather never shows up as a COM or Serial port in the
Arduino IDE
A vast number of Itsy/Feather 'failures' are due to charge-only USB cables
We get upwards of 5 complaints a day that turn out to be due to charge-only
Use only a cable that you know is for data syncing
If you have any charge-only cables, cut them in half throw them out. We are
serious! They tend to be low quality in general, and will only confuse you and
others later, just get a good data+charge USB cable.
A quality USB port is critical. Avoid plugging into USB keyboards and when
possible use a USB-2 HUB to avoid USB3 issues.
Even though this FAQ is labeled for Feather, the questions apply to ItsyBitsy's as
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