If you need other ways to power the Feather, here's what we recommend:
For permanent installations, a
let you plug in a USB cable for reliable power
For mobile use, where you don't want a LiPoly,
If you have a higher voltage power supply,
and wire it to a
Here's what you cannot do:
Do not use alkaline or NiMH batteries and connect to the battery port - this will
destroy the LiPoly charger and there's no way to disable the charger
Do not use 7.4V RC batteries on the battery port - this will destroy the board
The Feather is not designed for external power supplies - this is a design decision to
make the board compact and low cost. It is not recommended, but technically
Connect an external 3.3V power supply to the 3V and GND pins. Not
recommended, this may cause unexpected behavior and the EN pin will no
longer. Also this doesn't provide power on BAT or USB and some Feathers/
Wings use those pins for high current usages. You may end up damaging your
Connect an external 5V power supply to the USB and GND pins. Not
recommended, this may cause unexpected behavior when plugging in the USB
port because you will be back-powering the USB port, which could confuse or
damage your computer.
Arduino IDE Setup
The first thing you will need to do is to download the latest release of the Arduino
IDE. You will need to be using version 1.8 or higher for this guide
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