The electrolyte level should be be-
tween the two lines on the side of the
battery. Low electrolyte level can be
an indication of a problem with your
car's charging system. Take the car
to your dealer for service.
Look through the test indicator
window on the battery and check the
Blue-Good condition
Red-Add distilled water
White-Charging necessary
If the indicator is red or white:
Remove the battery from its mount.
Check the battery terminals for
corrosion (a white or yellowish
powder). To remove it, cover the
terminals with a solution of baking
soda and water. It will bubble up and
turn brown. When this stops, wash it
off with plain water. Dry off the
battery with a cloth or paper towel.
Coat the terminals with grease to
help prevent future corrosion.
If the terminals are severely cor-
roded, clean them with baking soda
and water. Then use a wrench to
loosen and remove the cables from
the terminals. Always disconnect the
negative (-) cable first and reconnect
it last. Clean the battery terminals
with a terminal cleaning tool or wire
brush. Reconnect and tighten the
cables, then coat the terminals with