ACS-CONTROL-SYSTEM GmbH | Lauterbachstr. 57 | D- 84307 Eggenfelden | |
| 8 |
Syntax SMS command code
The SMS command code must follow a predefined syntax. This consists of the password of the RDT module
and the command, separated by a semicolon (dash-dot).
Multiple commands, separated by a semicolon, could be included in one SMS message.
The SMD command code is finished by a final semicolon.
If there is no password defined for the RDT module, a semicolon must be set ahead the first command.
To read out data’s from the connected water level sensor, the RDT module needs the password of the water
level sensor, if defined. This password can be sent to the module by the command code SHPW and must be
done only once..
Syntax with password:
password;command code1;command code2;command code3;
Syntax without password:
;command code1; command code2;command code3;
Syntax of the standby times
The syntax of the standby times consists of the single parameter of the standby time
password;SSB1 ... SSB4=<start time>, <interval>, <duration>,<PC>,<state1>,<state2>,
start time
JJJJ-MM-TT hh:mm:ss (date / time separated by blank character)
interval in minutes
duration in minutes
PC resp. state1 resp. state2 resp. FTP resp. SNTP
PC resp. FTP data transmission resp. internet time synchronization off /
no state SMS
PC resp. FTP data transmission resp. internet time synchronization on /
send state SMS
The response to a request of a deactive standby time, e.g. ;GSB2 is e.g. SB2=OFF
To switch-off a standby time e.g. ;SSB1=OFF; must be sent
response SSB1=OK
SMS message dummy
Various parameter can be described by use of dummies, e.g. at defining the state messages
Measuring place name
Current water level measuring value water level sensor
Current temperature measuring value water level sensor
Remaining battery capacity water level sensor
Current temperature RDT module
Remaining battery capacity RDT module
Signal strength RDT module
Date and time
Error state
By the SMS command code GERS the reason can be found, why data’s from the conne
cted water level sensor
cannot be read out.
Communication error water level sensor
Wrong password water level sensor
Error messages
The RDT module responses with error messages, if SMS command codes are wrong or actions could not be
ted. By the following SMS command code GERS it can be diagnosed, why data’s from the connected
water level sensor cannot be read out.
Error 4
Transmitted value exceeds the permitted range of the parameter
(e.g. at standby time
2 minutes)
Error 100 Communication error between RDT module and water level sensor
Parse Error SMS command code wrong or incomplete