Chapter 4: Operation
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Figure 5: System Status Board Indicators
Use the status board to optimize unit performance. For example, if you observe a
rapid cycling of the Heater and Cool Solenoid indicators, the unit is operating with a
process inefficiency; see the Troubleshooting section for more information.
What follows is a description of system status board indicators.
Status Indicator Lights
Pump Reverse Indicator Light.
The Pump Reverse indicator light illuminates when
the unit pump runs in reverse.
Pump Forward Indicator Light.
The Pump Forward indicator light illuminates when
the unit pump runs in the normal forward direction. This indicator typically illuminates
continuously during normal operation.
Heater On Indicator Light.
The Heater On indicator illuminates when the heater energizes.
Cool Solenoid Indicator Light.
The Cool Solenoid indicator illuminates when the
cooling solenoid energizes. It is used only on the optional heat exchanger.
Vent Solenoid Indicator Light.
The Vent Solenoid indicator illuminates when the
venting solenoid energizes during venting sequences.