Working with Acronis OS Selector
Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000–2010
Boot configuration
This section allows you to set the following boot parameters:
Write Boot Sector – write boot sector each time an operating system boots
Boot as MS-DOS 7.1 – can be set for operating systems compatible with MS-DOS
7.1+ that were not automatically located by Acronis OS Selector
Boot as OS/2 – can be set for operating systems compatible with OS/2 that were not
automatically located by Acronis OS Selector
Enable large disks support – enables large disks support for Windows 98/Me
operating systems
Boot configuration window
Acronis OS Selector allows you to hide hard disk partitions (except for the system). To
hide a partition, select it and enable the Hidden option for it. This is not applicable to
Windows 2000 partitions. You can perform this operation under that operating system
using the Advanced section.