Manual Partition Operations
Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000–2010
Entering moved partition parameters
The size and location of a partition copy can be provided with a mouse click or by
entering data into the
Unallocated space before
Partition size
Unallocated space
) fields.
By clicking
in the
Move partition
window, you'll add a pending operation to
partition moving (your actions may only undo or modify already existing operation; see
2.4.5 «Modifying pending operations»).
The new partition structure will be graphically represented in the Acronis Disk Director
Suite main window.
Moving a partition to unallocated disk space in Windows 98/Me can change the order of
letters assigned to other partitions. As a result, some shortcuts might stop working. A
detailed discussion of partition letter assignment rules for various operating systems
appears in 3.1 «Creating A New Partition».
Take special care when moving an
operating system partition
and its boot code location.
The OS might stop booting. For example, Windows NT 4.0 and earlier versions limit boot
code location to the first 2016 MB.
Resizing and/or moving a partition
You may find that there is not enough free space on a certain partition. For example, maybe
it is almost filled with MP3 files. Acronis Disk Director Suite lets you enlarge a partition easily.
Reasons for moving a partition were discussed above (see 4.1.3 «Moving a partition to
unallocated disk space»).
If you need to resize and/or move a partition:
Select the hard disk and a partition to be resized.