AcroPack Series APCe7010E-LF
PCI Express Carrier Board
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Compatible DC/DC isolated converter modules are listed below:
DELTA DH06S/D Series, 6 Watt (+/- 12 VDC +/- 250mA), DH06D1212A
XP Power JCE Series, 6 Watt (+/- 12 VDC +/- 250mA), JCE0612D12
TRACO POWER, TEN 6N Series, 6 Watt (+/-12 VDC +/-250mA), TEN 6-1222N
Board power requirements are a function of the installed AcroPack module.
This specification below lists
Current specified is for the APCe7010E-LF carrier board only.
+3.3 Volts (
5 %)
0.023 A Typical
+12 Volts (
8 %)
0.026 A Typical
Add the current for the AcroPack module to calculate the total current
required from each supply.
The carrier is designed to provide the following voltage and currents to the
AcroPack module.
Supply Voltage
Current (Max)
+12V +/- 8% (max)
0.5 A
-12V +/- 8% (max)
0.5 A
+5V +/- 5% (max)
0.5 A
+3.3V +/- 5% (max)
1.1 A2
+1.5V +/- 5% (max)
0.5 A
+3.3Vaux +/- 9% (max)
The carrier board pr1.5V, +3.3V, +5V, +12V and -12V power to the
AcroPack module. The APCe7010E-LF utilizes DC/DC converters to generate
the +1.5V, +5V and -12V supplies from the +3.3V and +12V. Each AcroPack
module supply line is individually fused. Note that the maximum amount of
current provided to the carrier card via the PCIe bus edge connector varies
with each system. Refer to your system documentation for more information
on PCIe power specifications.
1.1 Amps (F6) Raychem NANOSMDC110F-2
+3.3V 3 Amps (F4) Littelfuse 0466003.NR
+5V, +12V, -12V 2 Amps (F1, F2, F3) Littelfuse 0453002.MR