Installation Manual : X-TENSION 350 Median
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December 2018
/ Page 10
Step 2 - Installing Posts 6 - 2
Install posts 6 to 2 at standard highway rail
spacing 1905mm, to the correct height.
Posts #6 to #3 are standard “I” beam posts. Post 2
is the special crimped “I” beam post (see parts
identification photo).
Posts may be directly driven, or in stiff soils a
150mm diameter hole drilled, and the post then
driven into the hole. The post may also be placed
in an oversized augured hole but care must be
taken to ensure the backfill is properly compacted.
When driving steel posts, ensure that a driving cap
with timber or plastic insert is used to prevent
damage to the galvanising on the top of the posts.
Ensure that Post 2 has the post bolt
on the
side nearest the rail,
go to the backside
as shown and are only used on the Median
application (Figure 5).
Bolt the blockout to the post at post 3,
prior to attaching to the rail (Figure 6).
Figure 4. Pull a string line with the
desired offset
Figure 5. Notches go to the backside
Figure 6. Bolt the blockout prior to
attaching the rail