AI 1 Settings
0-20 mA or 4-20 mA
Scaling input defined by measurement equipment
Minimum scaling
Minimum measurement reading value
With 2 decimals (500 = 5,00)
Maximum scaling
Maximum measurement reading value
With 2 decimals (500 = 5,00)
High limit in use
Activates high limet functions
0=disabled, 1=actiivated
High limit label
Naming the high limit value
Used in alarm list and SMS
High limit Set point
Defines high limit value
High limit delay in secs.
Signal delay
Stated in seconds
High limit alarm call
Activates alarm signal
0=Local signal, 1=alarm signal
Low limit in use
Activates low limit functions
0=disabled, 1=actiivated
Low limit label
Naming the low limit value
Used in alarm list and SMS
Low limit Set point
Defines low limit value
Low limit delay in secs.
Signal delay
Stated in seconds
Low limit alarm call
Activates alarm signal
0=Local signal, 1=alarm signal
The scaling of AI1
It is possible to choose between 2 types of mA measurements. Either "0-20 mA" or the most common "4-20
mA". Min./Max. scaling points is entered at the desired resolution. For example, if a pressure transmitter
with a measuring range of 0-5m is used, and you need to read the level in cm. Enter min. = 0 and max. =
Limit relay values
Limit relay values can be configured for high/low limit levels. For both types of limits the function can be
activated/deactivated, and the limit relay can be named with a label used as text in an alarm list and in SMS
Values can be set to which level the high/low limit relays are activated, and a delay can be attached, so that
a limit value must be exceeded for a given time before the signal is registered as active. It is possible to
choose whether to send the signal as an alarm or to act as a local alarm.