4. In this case 2 matches can be found for the characters
5. Use the arrow keys on the remote control (12 and 14) to
scroll up and down through the choices.
6. Press Play on the remote control to commence playing
that album immediately, or press OK on the remote control
(15) to select this album.
7. If you press OK the SP150 will then prompt you for
further actions.
8. Use the arrow keys on the remote control (12 and 14) to
scroll up and down through these choices:
Play, Compression, Rename , Delete.
The following screens will be displayed.
Press OK if you wish to play this album
2. Use the alpha numeric key pad on the remote control to
enter of the album title.
3. As you enter characters the SP150 will display the total
number of matches for the characters entered. Use the ‘C’
key to delete any unwanted characters.
2. Use the alpha numeric key pad on the remote control to
enter the artist’s name
3. As you enter the name, the SP150 will display the total
number of matches for the characters entered. Use the ‘C’
key to delete any unwanted characters.
4. In this situation 4 matches can be found for the input
5. Use the arrow keys on the remote control (12 and 14) to
scroll up and down through the choices.
6. Press OK or play on the remote control (15) to select
this artist. The track selected will then begin to play.
Because the SP150 contains a database of known albums
and song titles, it is possible to search the entire contents
of the hard drive to find a specific album, song or artist.
The SP150 will allow searches by artist, this will show both
complete albums by that artist, and also individual tracks
within compilation albums.
1. Press the artist button on the remote control (6)
The SP150 will allow searches by album title. Because
the database can sometimes store both artist and album
names together, it is possible that searches can produce
results based on either pieces of information
1. Press the album button on the remote control (16)
Press OK if you wish to change the compression settings
stored against this album. Using the arrow keys to select
between yes/no will tell the SP150 if you wish to compress
this track later or not, then press OK.
Press OK if you wish to rename this album. Use the arrow
keys on the remote control (12 and 14) to advance through
the title, then use the C (cancel) key to delete characters.
Use the alpha numeric keys to enter a new title. Press OK
(15) when complete.
Press OK if you wish to delete this album. You will be
asked if you are sure, press OK to continue, or press back
to exit this function.
Note: This process cannot be reversed and the CD
will need to be reloaded.
page 9