ACME 924738 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 18



 Acme products are designed and manufactured to provide reliable performance but they are not guaranteed to be 100% free of defects. Even reliable products will experience occasional failures and this possibility should 

be recognized by the Purchaser and all End Users. If these products are used in a life support ventilation system where failure could result in loss or injury, the Purchaser and all End Users should provide adequate back-up ventilation, 

supplementary natural ventilation or failure alarm system, or acknowledge willingness to accept the risk of such loss or injury.


 DO NOT use in HAZARDOUS ENVIRONMENTS where fan’s electrical system could provide ignition to combustible or flammable materials unless unit is specifically built for hazardous environments. Comply with all local 

and national safety codes including the National Electrical Code (NEC) and National Fire Protection Act (NFPA).


 Guards must be installed when fan is within reach of personnel or within eight (8) feet (2.5 m) of working level or when deemed advisable for safety.


 The Company has made a diligent effort to illustrate and describe the products accurately in all Company literature; however such illustrations and descriptions are for the sole purpose of identification and do not 

express or imply any warranty.



All orders and sales 

are subject to written approval and acceptance by an executive of-

ficer of Acme Engineering & Manufacturing Corporation at Muskogee, 

Oklahoma, (the “Company”) and are not binding on the Company until 

so approved.
This Order Acknowledgment constitutes full acceptance of the order 

as stated.  The Purchaser has two business days from the date of the 

acknowledgment of this order to make changes or cancellations.
Any contract resulting from the Purchaser’s order may be canceled by 

the Purchaser only by negotiations and upon payments of reasonable 

cancellation charges which will take into account expenses already 

incurred and commitments made by the Company.


 All shipping and delivery dates are estimated only. No de-

lays in delivery will subject the Company to any costs, damages or fees 

for late delivery. Delivery of the products herein specified shall be made 

F.O.B. point of shipment, unless otherwise stated. The Company shall 

not be liable for delay due to causes beyond its reasonable control, such 

as Acts of God, acts of the purchaser, acts of civil or military authorities, 

priorities, fires, strikes, floods, epidemics, war, riots, delays in transpor


tation, car shortages, and inability, due to reasons beyond its reasonable 

control, to obtain necessary labor, material, or manufacturing facilities. 

In the event of such a delay, the date of delivery shall be extended for a 

period equal to the time lost by reason of the delay.


  If,  in  the  judgment  of  the  Company,  the 

financial condition of the purchaser at any time does not justify continu


ation of manufacture or shipment on the terms of payment specified, the 

Company may require full or partial payment in advance.

Pro rata payments shall become due as shipments are made. Each 

shipment or delivery shall constitute a separate sale, and the default of 

any shipment or delivery shall constitute a separate sale, and the default 

of any shipment or delivery shall not vitiate the contract as to other 

shipments or deliveries.


  The  Company’s  prices  do  not 

include sales, use, excise, or similar taxes. Consequently, in addition to 

the price specified herein, the amount of any present or future sales, use, 

excise, or other similar tax applicable to the sale of the product herein 

shall be paid by the Purchaser, or in lieu thereof the Purchaser shall 

provide the Company with a tax exemption certificate acceptable to the 

taxing authorities.


  The  Company  reserves  the  right  to  make 

changes in design, improvements and additions in and to its products 

any time without imposing any liability or obligations to itself to apply or 

install the same in any product manufactured by it.


 The title and right of possession of the products sold herein 

shall remain with the Company and such products shall remain personal 

property until all payments herein (including deferred payments whether 

evidenced by notes or otherwise) shall have been made in full in cash 

and the Purchaser agrees to do all acts necessary to perfect and 

maintain such right and title in the Company.


 Prices are subject to change upon notice 

by the Company. Prices on existing orders are subject to surcharges in 

the event of cost increases of metals and transportation. All complete 

component accessory material manufactured by others and furnished 

with the Company’s products such as motors, drives, vibration equip


ment, controls or other completely assembled component structures, are 

subject to adjustment to the price at time of shipment regardless of the 

date of original order entry.


  The  Company  manufactures  products 

designed to serve multiple applications and offers a wide range of safety 

equipment, including guards and other devices, as may be required 

to  meet  customer  specifications.  Without  exception,  the  Company 

recommends that all orders include applicable safety devices. Products 

ordered without applicable safety devices are clearly the responsibility 

of the Purchaser. Further, the Purchaser warrants that it has determined 

and acquired any and all safety devices required for products sold by 

the Company. Weather covers and guards for motor and V-belt drives, 

couplings, shafts and bearings, along with inlet and outlet screens, are 

optional accessories noted in the price list.


 The rights, obligations and remedies of 

Purchaser  and  the  Company,  the  interpretation  of  these  terms  and 

conditions and the sale of products by the Company shall be governed 

by Oklahoma law, without regard to any principles of conflict of laws.


 Any dispute arising under or in connection with these 

terms and conditions or the sale of products shall be settled by binding 

arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association under its 

Commercial Arbitration Rules, and judgment on the award rendered by 

the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. The 

dispute shall be resolved by one neutral arbitrator who shall have no 

affiliation with either Purchaser or the Company and shall be selected 

by  the  American  Arbitration  Association  office  in  Dallas,  Texas.  The 

arbitration proceedings shall be held in Muskogee, Oklahoma.


 The agreement between the 

Company  and  the  Purchaser  relating  to  the  products  includes  these 

terms and conditions of sale, any applicable installation and maintenance 

instructions provided by the Company and any terms appearing on the 

Company’s quotation, sales order acknowledgment and invoice.


  the  Company  extends  this 

limited warranty to the original purchaser and warrants that products sup-

plied by the Company, shall be free from original defects in workmanship 

and materials for two years from date of shipment (except for the warranty 

periods noted for products listed below), provided same have been prop


erly handled, stored, installed, serviced, maintained and operated. This 

warranty shall not apply to products which have been altered or repaired 

without the Company’s express authorization, or altered or repaired in 

any  way  so  as,  in  the  Company’s  judgment,  to  affect  its  performance 

or reliability, nor which have been improperly installed or subjected to 

misuse, negligence, or accident, or incorrectly used in combination with 

other substances. The Purchaser assumes all risks and liability for results 

of use of all products.
Evaporative cooling pads are warranted to be free of defects in materials 

and workmanship for a period of two years from date of shipment 

provided same have been properly handled, stored, installed, serviced, 

maintained and operated; and further, not subjected to excessive heat, 

corrosive agents or chemicals, or mechanical abuse that may cause 

tearing, crushing or undue deterioration, nor used on a system or in a 

manner other than that for which it was designed as explained in the 

product literature.
The following products are warranted to be free of defects in materials 

and workmanship for the periods shown from date of shipment: Acme’s 

exclusive duplex split pillow block bearings and shaft five years, belts one 

year, Polyethylene tubing 90 days, and DDP fan lifetime warranty on its 

stainless steel propeller, cone, and housing.


All claims under 

this warranty must be made in writing and delivered to P. O. Box 978, 

Muskogee, Oklahoma, 74402, within 15 days after discovery of the defect 

and prior to the expiration of two years from the date of shipment by the 

Company of the product claimed defective, and Purchaser shall be barred 

from any remedy if Purchaser fails to make such claim within such period.

Within 30 days after receipt of a timely claim, the Company shall have the 

option either to inspect the product while in Purchaser’s possession or to 

request Purchaser to return the product to the Company at Purchaser’s 

expense for inspection by the Company. The Company shall replace, or at 

its option repair, free of charge, any product it determines to be defective, 

and it shall ship the repaired or replacement product to Purchaser F.O.B. 

point  of  shipment;  provided,  however,  if  circumstances  are  such  as  in 

the Company’s judgment to prohibit repair or replacement to remedy the 

warranted defects, the Purchaser’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be 

a refund to the Purchaser of any part of the invoice price, paid to the 

Company, for the defective product or part.

The Company is not responsible for the cost of removal of the 

defective product or part, damages due to removal, or any expenses 

incurred in shipping the product or part to or from the Company’s 

plant, or the installation of the repaired or replaced product or part.
The Company at its option, may contract out the repair of any 

defective product or part and/or the installation of any repaired or 

replaced product or part, but the Company’s Quality Assurance 

department  must approve of any such contract, prior to work 

beginning, and any such approval will require a quotation of labor 

and materials prior to work beginning.

The warranties set forth above do not apply to any components, ac-

cessories, parts or attachments manufactured by other manufacturers; 

such being subject to the manufacturer’s warranty, if any. To the extent 

not prohibited by the manufacturer’s warranty, the Company shall pass 

through to Purchaser such manufacturer’s warranty.











No employee, agent, dealer, or other person is authorized to give any 

warranties on behalf of the Company or to assume for the Company any 

other liability in connection with any of its products except in writing and 

signed by an officer of the Company.


For  motors  failing 

within  the  Company’s  Limited  Warranty  period  (2  years  from  date  of 

shipment),  the  Company  will  require  the  following  in  order  to  provide 

credit for the failed motor.

1.  Contact the Order Entry Department (Customer Service Department) 

for the Company and obtain a RMA (Return Material Authorization) 

number, you will also be required to provide the fan serial number or 

factory order number.  This allows for documentation and traceability 

regarding  any  return  item  or  label.    Please  contact  the  Company 

to determine if the motor’s nameplate should be obtained from the 

motor or if the whole motor should be returned and sent to the ad-

dress provided with the RMA (Return Material Authorization) number. 

2.  If  you  are  required  to  send  back  the  nameplate  and  you  cannot 

properly  remove  the  nameplate,  please  contact  the  Company  for 


3.  For  motors  requiring  a  return  of  the  entire  motor  which  fail  within 

the Company’s Limited Warranty period, you must first contact the 

Customer Service Department for the Company and obtain a RMA 

(Return Material Authorization) number and instructions on where the 

motors need to be returned. 

When  returning  the  motor  nameplate,  or  picture  of  the  nameplate,  or 

the  motor  itself,  the  Customer  should  provide  a  specific  as  possible 

explanation in describing the cause of the failure.   “Motors Failed” is 

an insufficient explanation.  Motor credits are not given for motors that 

are “dropped” or damaged in transit from our facility to the customer.   In 

this case a freight claim needs to filed if the motor was dropped by the 

freight carrier.

FREIGHT DAMAGE:  If the customer accepts the product that is 

damaged, the customer is to file the freight claim.

If the customer does not accept the damaged product, the Company 

will file the freight claim.

Credits are only made for product that is damaged, signed for as 

damaged and the Company is filing the freight claim.  For product 

that is not damaged, the customer should accept the product.




The  Company  warrants  the  MFS57 

and DXP60 fans to be free from defect in material or workmanship 

under normal usage and conditions, for two (2) years from the date of 

shipment to the original purchaser. The Company provides an extended 

warranty for the MFS57 and DXP60 housing, cone, and butterfly doors, 

for a period of seven (7) years from the date of shipment to the original 

purchaser. The Company provides an extended warranty for the MFS57 

and DXP60  shaft and bearings, for a period of five (5) years from the date 

of shipment to the original purchaser. This does not include items deemed 

as normal wear items such as belts, sheaves, and belt tensioners. 


composite products are dynamic and in the weather, the extended 

warranty does not apply to cosmetic damage that could occur from 

sun fading, oxidation, or cosmetic scratches due to normal use of 

the product or mounting of any non-OEM component to the fan or 


The following circumstances shall render this warranty void:


Product experienced malfunction or failure resulting from lack of 

proper preventive maintenance,  neglect, misuse, mismanagement, 

alteration, accident, power surges, lightning strikes, interruption of 

power supply, high winds, snow load, or other acts of God. 


● Modifications  or  alterations  to  the  product  not  outlined  in  the 

installation manual. 


Product not installed and/or operated in accordance with the 

instructions provided. 


Product installed without a protective overhang to guard from 

excessive snow load. 


● All components are not original equipment supplied by the Company, 

either new or replacement part(s).


Product experienced corrosion and/or material deterioration  caused 

by or consistent with the application of chemicals, minerals, sedi-

ments, or other foreign elements.


 If replacement parts are ordered, pur-

chaser warrants that the original components in which these replacement 

parts will be placed are in satisfactory working condition, and when said 

replacement parts are installed, the resultant installation will operate in a 

safe manner, at speeds and temperatures for which the original product 

was purchased.



 Notwithstanding any past practice or dealings or any 

custom of the trade, sales shall not include the furnishing of technical 

advice or assistance or system design. Any such assistance shall be at 

the Company’s sole option and may be subject to additional charge.
The Company assumes no obligation or liability on account of any rec


ommendations, opinions or advice as to the choice, installation or use of 

products. Any such recommendations, opinions or advice are given and 

shall be accepted at Purchaser’s and End User’s risk and shall not con-

stitute any warranty or guarantee of such products or their performance.


 The cumulative liability of the Company 

to the Purchaser and any other persons for all claims in any way relating 

to or arising out of the products, including, but not limited to, any cause 

of action sounding in contract, tort, or strict liability, shall not exceed 

the total amount of the purchase price paid for those products which 

are the subject of any such claim. This limitation of liability is intended 

to apply without regard to whether other provisions of this agreement 

have been breached or have proven ineffective even if the Company has 

been advised of the possibility of such claims or demands. In no event 

shall the Company be liable to the Purchaser or any other person for 

any loss of profits or any incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential 

damages for any claims or demands brought by the Purchaser or such 

other persons.


 The  Company’s  maximum  liability  to  Purchaser  and  to 

any end user is as set forth above. The Company makes no warranty 

to anyone for any products not manufactured by the Company and shall 

have  no  liability  for  any  use  or  installation  of  any  products  (whether 

manufactured by the Company or other manufacturers) not specifically 

authorized by this sale. Purchaser acknowledges various warnings by 

the Company regarding the products and its installation and use. If the 

Company incurs any claims, lawsuits, settlements, or expenses (including 

attorney fees) for any loss, injury, death or property damage including, 

but not limited to, claims arising out of the Purchaser’s or any end user’s 

installation or use of the products, the Purchaser shall indemnify and hold 

the Company harmless.

Member Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc.


March 2020   613163


P.O Box 978, Muskogee, OK 74402 

1820 North York Street, Muskogee, OK 74403

Commercial/Industrial (including OEM) 

Telephone: 918-682-7791  

Fax: 918-682-0134

Agricultural/Horticultural (including OEM)


Telephone: 800-774-3267 

Fax: 800-382-2263


Содержание 924738

Страница 1: ...ill not be responsible for damage during storage These suggestions are provided solely as a convenience to the user who shall make his own decision as to whether to use any or all of them INDOOR The ideal storage environment for fans and accessories is indoors above grade in a low humidity atmosphere which is sealed to prevent the entry of blowing dust rain or snow Temperatures should be evenly ma...

Страница 2: ...ovide ignition to combustible or flammable materials unless the unit is specifically built for hazardous environments 3 WARNING If gases other than clean air are to be exhausted using the fan then the user bears the responsibility of determin ing that the fan is appropriate and safe for the application 4 Provide a square opening in the wall equal to the outside dimensions of the fan It is preferab...

Страница 3: ...ather resistant only they are not weatherproof NOTE Not all sizes in chart are available in all fan models WALL MOUNTED FACE MOUNT Exhaust or Supply R Fans Illustrated is a typical installation when mounting the fan directly to the wall Flashing over damper by others Propeller to damper distance M is important to reduce turbulence and damper flutter which may lead to premature damper failure See F...

Страница 4: ...ional support using hanging rods or support from underneath It is preferable to frame in the opening with 2 x 6 material or similar suitable materi al or metal channels adequate for support of the fan The installer provides suitable fasteners hex bolts or lag screws to secure the fan Dampers are designed to reduce drafts prevent entry of for eign material and limit the amount of rain that enters t...

Страница 5: ...ainte nance checks are preformed prior to restarting the unit 6 Inspect all moving parts for damage or rust and clean area SET SCREW TIGHTENING SCHEDULE 1 Before initial operation of the fan tighten set screws according to the procedure outlined below 2 After 500 operating hours or three months whichever comes first tighten set screws to the full recommended torque 3 At least once a year tighten s...

Страница 6: ...u use arrows to apply fan order speed Brown 0 10VDC to Motor Blue Common White Black Black Black Red Green Yellow Green Handi Box Disconnect Switch Motor Yellow White Yellow White 115 V Red 208 V Orange 230 V Brown 277 V Connect to wire of input voltage and insulate the rest 115 or 208 230 VAC 1 Ph 24 VAC Transformer POWER INPUT LINE ECM MOTOR WIRING FOR GENTEQ MOTORS ONLY USING THE FSC 1 CONTROLL...

Страница 7: ...ellow Yellow White Motor Handi Box Disconnect Switch BY OTHERS Green Green Yellow Red Black Black Black White Blue Brown W h i t e A B White Red Black not used Speed control may be mounted up to 100 ft away from fan Hold down center button to access menu Use arrows to navigate apply these settings APPS to 0 10 SP1 too Speed 1 SP2 to Speed 2 tYPE to tC42 rE to 2Spd Once out of menu use arrows to ap...

Страница 8: the key to save your changes Programming Please refer to the FSC 1 Menu Map on page 9 for edi ng parameters within program mode To enter program mode hold the key for three seconds un l APPS is displayed Use the and keys to navigate to the desired menu parameter shown in column 1 of the menu map on page 9 To edit a menu parameter press the key once on the desired parameter The current value wil...

Страница 9: ...GENTEQ US Motor Page 9 ...

Страница 10: ...c fields in the vicinity of current carrying conductors and permanent magnet motors can result in a serious health hazard to persons with cardiac pacemakers metal implants and hearing aids To avoid risk stay away from the area surrounding a permanent magnet motor WARNING Do not remove cover for at least five 5 minutes after AC power is disconnected to allow capacitors to discharge Dangerous voltag...

Страница 11: ...s Rotation can be changed by swapping any of the Red Black and Blue wires connecting the control board to the motor at terminals T1 T2 and T3 INSTALLATION 1 Wire motor in accordance with local codes The motor can be mounted by the feet or face See Figure 14 for mounting hole locations Verify fasteners holding motor to fan are properly secured 2 Verify fan wheel is properly secured on motor shaft 3...

Страница 12: ...tch will select the Low LO or High HI speed on the speed controllers based on the dial settings Toggle switch and mounting plate fit in a standard gang box and wired to Dual Potentiometer Speed Dial The speed dial can be mounted up to 100 ft from fan using additional wire by others Building Control 0 10VDC Wire Kit See Figure 20 Factory mount ed Molex receptacle that allows a quick connection to s...

Страница 13: ...lding Supplied Controller Not Used with Building Supplied Controllers White Green Ground Black N L1 L2 Motor Control Box Line Voltage 208 230 VAC Single Phase 14 AWG Remote Potentiometer A Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Speed B Potentiometers mounted up to 100 ft from fan FIGURE 17 FIGURE 18 Page 13 ...

Страница 14: that they are secure Fault Indication A red LED on the control board provides fault indication During a fault this LED will blink a specific number of times to identify the fault that has occurred The table below describes these fault indications Maintenance EBSM motors use brushless technology with sealed bearings so no maintenance is required other than keeping any accumulated debris from col...

Страница 15: ... potentiometer box Speed B on box is not used for single speed selection and will not have a dial The motor will shut off between 0 1 9V Two Speed Dial See Figure 23 Motor will come with a prewired control cable and wired to a mounted dual speed potentiometer dial that is used to control the speed of the motor The supplied un mounted toggle switch will select the Low LO or High HI speed on the spe...

Страница 16: ...peed Potentiometer Speed Select Control A Black Red White Wired in Field B Red to Red White to White Black to Black Potentiometers and speed selector can be mounted up to 100 ft from fan A Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Speed B Page 16 FIGURE 24 FIGURE 23 ...

Страница 17: ...View PARTS LIST LEGEND No Description Qty No Description Qty 1 Propeller 1 6 Motor Mounting Nuts 4 2 Orifice 1 7 Key 1 3 Frame Assembly 1 8 Frame Mounting Bolts 6 4 Motor 1 9 Frame Mounting Nuts 6 5 Motor Mounting Bolts 4 FIGURE 25 ...

Страница 18: ...ely claim the Company shall have the option either to inspect the product while in Purchaser s possession or to request Purchaser to return the product to the Company at Purchaser s expense for inspection by the Company The Company shall replace or at its option repair free of charge any product it determines to be defective and it shall ship the repaired or replacement product to Purchaser F O B ...
