Table of contents - 3
Turning your computer off........................... 6
Taking care of your computer ..................... 7
Taking care of your AC adapter .................. 8
Cleaning and servicing................................ 8
Guidelines for safe battery usage ............... 8
Internal battery....................................... 11
Screen view ........................................... 12
Keyboard view ....................................... 13
Left view ................................................ 14
USB 3.2 Gen 2 information ....................... 14
Right view ............................................. 15
USB Type-C information ........................... 15
Lock keys............................................... 17
Hotkeys.................................................. 17
Windows keys........................................ 18
Touchpad gestures................................ 19
Changing touchpad settings .................. 21
Creating a file history backup ................ 23
Backing up your wireless and LAN
drivers.................................................... 25
Creating a factory default backup.......... 26
Restoring your computer ....................... 30
Reset this PC and keep my files ............... 30
Reset this PC and remove everything ...... 32
Enabling and disabling Bluetooth .......... 36
Enable Bluetooth and add a device .......... 36
Connecting to a wireless network.......... 38
Connecting to a wireless LAN................... 38
Connecting with a cable ........................ 41
Built-in network feature ............................. 41
The ConceptD Palette main screen....... 42
Color profile setting ................................... 42
TrueHarmony setting ................................ 44
Monitoring.............................................. 44
Split Screen ........................................... 45
App Center ............................................ 45
Advanced Settings................................. 46
Enable PrtScn Key to launch Screen Snip
tool ............................................................ 46
Manage the copied items in Clipboard...... 47
Color Picker .............................................. 48
On-screen Keyboard Shortcuts................. 49
Set color profile on ConceptD monitor... 50
Entering passwords .................................. 55
Saving power ......................................... 57
Battery characteristics ........................... 59
Charging the battery ................................. 59
Optimizing battery life ............................... 60
Checking the battery level......................... 61
Battery-low warning .................................. 61
Preparing the computer ............................ 62
What to bring to meetings ......................... 63
Taking the computer home .................... 63
Preparing the computer ............................ 63
What to take with you................................ 64
Special considerations .............................. 64
Setting up a home office ........................... 64
Traveling with the computer................... 65
Traveling internationally......................... 65
Displays ................................................. 69
Connecting a monitor............................. 70
Headphones and microphone................ 70