If desired, carefully tear the V.A.C. VeraFlo Cleanse™ Dressing along the perforations to
separate the dressing into two halves (
Fig. 3
Do not cut or tear the foam over the wound, as fragments may fall into the
wound (
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
). Away from wound site, rub foam edges to remove any fragments or
loose particles that may fall into or be left in the wound upon dressing removal.
The V.A.C. VeraFlo Cleanse™ Dressing is provided in a pre-cut, tubular configuration
that can be split and / or cut to best conform to the geometry of the wound being treated.
The foam may be applied in the full tube, half tube, or custom cut configuration. The goal
of foam placement should be to maximize foam-to-tissue contact without over-packing the
wound, while using the fewest number of foam pieces as possible.
Gently place foam into wound cavity, covering the entire wound base and sides, tunnels and
undermined areas (
Fig. 4
Do not force the V.A.C. VeraFlo Cleanse™ Dressing into any areas of the wound.
NOTE: Do not over-pack the wound cavity. Do not place multiple pieces of foam in
tunnels to prevent foam from being left behind at subsequent dressing changes.
If using multiple pieces of foam, ensure foam-to-foam contact between adjacent
pieces of foam for even distribution of fluid and negative pressure.
Cut and remove any excess length of unused foam away from wound (
Fig 6
Do not cut or tear the foam over the wound, as fragments may fall into the
wound (
Fig. 5
). Away from wound site, rub foam edges to remove any fragments or loose
particles that may fall into or be left in the wound upon dressing removal.
Do not allow foam to overlap onto intact skin.
Always note the total number of pieces of foam used in the wound and document
on the drape, on the supplied Foam Quantity Label (attached to the V.A.C. VeraT.R.A.C.™
Pad or, if used, the V.A.C. VeraT.R.A.C. Duo™ Tube Set tubing) (
Fig. 7
) and in the patient’s
The Log tool on the V.A.C.Ulta™ Therapy Unit can be used to record the number of foam
pieces used in the wound. Refer to the V.A.C.Ulta™ Therapy System User Manual for
instructions on using the Log tool.
Retention sutures should be covered with a single layer of non-adherent wide
meshed, porous or fenestrated material placed between the sutures and the V.A.C.
Advanced Drape.